Folic acid benefits for health and for pregnant women

Folic acid benefits

Folic acid is a vitamin B derivative whose main source is food. In many foods such as leafy green vegetables, folic acid is present as folate which later transforms to folic acid in body. Both folate and folic acid have same functioning in body. Folic acid benefits are numerous and vital especially for pregnant women. …


Why marijuana should be legal?

Marijuana is herb obtained from a dried flower, Cannabis sativa as a greenish-gray powdery mixture. You may be aware of a number of slang terms used for this herb such as pot, weed, grass, Mary Jane and ganja etc. This is because the herb has narcotic or drug-like uses as well. People smoke it in …


Bioluminiscence - a step forward towards a brighter future.

Bioluminescence- A step forward to brighter future

Doesn’t it sound cool and intriguing idea to have a our home and streets lustrous with beautiful luminescence? And of course with no or least expenses and where the concept of ‘energy crisis’ is just a mere thought.  Yes. Sounds great. Ever heard of term ‘bioluminescence?  Bio refers to ‘living’ and luminescence is for ‘light …


resting membrane potential

Resting membrane potential

The potential of neuron, generated in its resting state, when there is no conduction of nerve impulse through it, is termed as resting membrane potential. On average its value is -70mV that is because the inside of neuron has less K+ ions compared to higher concentration of Na+ ions outside it and thus it makes …
