Recombinant antibodies

Various types of Recombinant antibodies

The B cells of adapted immune system produces antibodies or immunoglobin molecules in response to foreign antigens. The emergence of recombinant DNA technology in 1970’s has led to the production…

How to prevent ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is linked with genetic mutations and their inheritance in family. This makes some of us are at more risks of developing ovarian cancer than some others. Studies suggest…

8 Health benefits of cherries

Cherries a must have of balanced diet

Cherry fruit comes from plants of genus prunus and a fleshy drupe (stone fruit). These are of various types such as bright red sour, dark Hudson, rainier  and yellow cherries….


Significance of autophagy

Autophagy is the controlled digestion and degradation of damaged and old cell and its components. Form the Greek origin, “auto” mean “self” and “phagein” refers to “eat”. In the process,…

BRCA gene

BRCA gene mutation and links to breast cancer

Gene is a particular sequence of nucleotide which codes for a protein product. BRCA gene is abbreviation for BReast CAncer gene. BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes have association with…

Natural Vs. synthetic vitamins

Natural vs. synthetic vitamins sources

Vitamins are essential to maintain a good health. Our daily diet must have substantial portion of vitamins and minerals. Most of us opt for synthetic vitamin supplements to fulfill their…

Oregano oil

Health benefits of oregano oil

Oregano oil is extracted from leafs of herbaceous oregano plant. (Scientific name: origanum vulgare). This oil a rich source of natural vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous,…

Treating flu at home

Few tips to relive flu symptoms

Having flu, is no doubt makes us miserable with each of its symptoms from coughing, sneezing and having a clogged nose contribute equally in making it worse. Flu is a…

Genetic mutations

Genetic mutations and types

Genetic mutations are spontaneous changes occurring in the genetic material, (DNA) of an individual. Mutations can be passed to the next generations or may not, depending upon the type of…