Gene therapy

Gene therapy for therapeutic purposes

Gene therapy is technique of recombinant DNA technology which involves the replacement of faulty or mutated gene with normal one, mainly for the treatment purpose. DNA, as we know is…

Diabetic neuropathy

Numbness of feet in Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetes can be harmful for nerves and may cause nerve damage. This condition is known as peripheral neuropathy or diabetic neuropathy. Nerves, on the other hand, are specialized form of…

Cell immobilization

Techniques for Cell immobilization

Introduction Cell immobilization is the process of encapsulation of cells in culture in some polymeric material to keep cells viable and useful for a longer duration for biochemical processes.  The…

Enzyme catalysis

Mechanism of Enzyme catalysis

The rate of chemical reaction is enhanced by the enzymatic action on substrate molecule, a process named as enzyme catalysis. Enzyme catalysis is vital for certain biochemical reactions in cells…

Celiac disease

Symptoms of celiac disease

Celiac disease is a long-term autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the cells of small intestine. Its association with other autoimmune diseases and in diabetes mellitus type 2 is also observed….

Receptors of immune system

Receptors for immune system

Introduction Receptors for innate immune system are specialized proteins that recognize foreign particles and the pathogenic bacteria. Consequently, the innate immune system generate specific responses in response to these receptor…

Enzyme specificity

Enzyme specificity and mechanism of enzyme action

Enzyme specificity describes the tendency of an enzyme to catalyze a specify biochemical reaction by binding to specific substrate. Enzymes are specific for the type of reaction that they catalyze….


Immunoglobulins (Ig) or antibodies (Ab) are glycoprotein molecules produced by the plasma cells in response to immunogen that may be any foreign particle. These are called as immunoglobulins as they…

Postpartum depression

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Having a baby, being a mother for the first time can trigger and jumble up powerful emotions in women, from joy, excitement to tension. And one more thing, which most…